Wood Forum Oak Timber Framing course: Wall Framing

22-26 Jul, 2024
Weald and Downland Living Museum, Chichester

In this workshop, participants will learn how to line out, scribe, cut and fit braces and studs to a simple frame constructed during a previous workshop. It will include demonstrations on how to use power tools as well as hand tools and aims to develop students' knowledge and experience in dealing with the problems faced by carpenters framing with wet or green oak in the past. You will learn how to frame timbers together to ensure the correct lengths, bevels and allowances, and gain experience in plumb bob scribing, chalk line and spirit level layout. This is one of three oak-framed building workshops and by completing all three students will have covered the lining out and cutting of all the joints required for a simple one-bay timber framed building.
Contact: ICOMOS-UK and Weald and Downland Living Museum
Tel: 01243 811021
Email: courses@wealddown.co.uk
Website: www.wealddown.co.uk/events/oak-timber-framing-wall-framing-3/
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